Affected by Adventure
”When your dreams come true they tend to give you a rough welcome” wrote Troels Kløvedal
This is quite how it feels at the moment. The dream and adventure was to get rid of most of our belongings, sell the house, and move aboard Carpe Diem. However, we had to move temporarily into a trailer at the yard for 2 weeks, while the last work on the boat was carried out. It is now 4 weeks since we moved into the trailer, and right now we expect at least a couple of weeks more before moving into Carpe Diem
I spend Sunday morning at a launderette at Østerbro, while Søren and Laura are working on the boat. It has not exactly been a feeling of adventure that has characterized the past weeks. Living 3 grown-ups in 10 squaremeters is rather tight, and moving into the boat will be quite luxurious.
I admit, there are days where this is no fun at all, and where we look at each other and say
Help, what on earth have we gotten ourselves into?
But deep inside we know this is the right thing for us.
Sitting here writing makes me think, that maybe the adventures has already begun without us noticing it, even though the adventurous feeling has not yet emerged.
We are setting a platform, which for us have adventurous potential, but it is not guaranteed to become an adventure. I guess the experience of adventure is rather individual, so what I find to be an adventure might not be an adventure to you, and vice versa. And when does an adventure start?
Maybe it started when we – after 25 years of dreaming – made a decision to realize the dream of cruising the big world. Or maybe it doesn’t start until we sail off – or somewhere in between.
No matter what, I’m sitting at the launderette with butterflies in my stomach from not having a washing machine and dryer, and a bunch of other stuff we had added to our life and home – and that we are actually still doing ok with boat renovation, jobs and family life. And when I think of what awaits, the butterflies become happy and excited – and a little frightened.